Book NowThe word is out – Pure Performance is the place to train! See what our Pure Performance All-Stars, their parents, and their coaches have to say about training with the Pure Performance Team.
Great FeedbackFrom Parents
My husband and I played competitive ball throughout high school and college and was thrilled when our daughter starting playing and succeeding in softball. Even though we had our own experience, we did not have the ability to take our daughter to the next level, specifically in regards to pitching. We brought Lyndsay to Pure Performance to train with Rosie Anderson and have not regretted it. She has been training with her for a little over five months and in that short time we see a tremendous improvement in her pitching speed and accuracy. Rosie does a great job of seeing where the corrections need to be made and working with the girls to apply the adjustments. Our daughter loves training with Rosie, she says it is the one practice she looks forward to going to.
We are extremely pleased with what Grace has received from Pure Performance. Pure Performance has been fantastic and Grace really, really likes working with them… We have also been extremely pleased with your help and insight into finding what is best for Grace. I continue to get the same great responses from other parents and players from my team that are working with your group. We are doing our best to balance what is best for our daughter in the sport she loves with all the other demands of her life and your team have been a real help in this regard, always looking out for what is best for Grace.
Great Feedback from Coaches
Just a brief thank you note! Yesterday’s coaches clinic was spot on and made me excited to put together drills to help the girls. Asking us to perform the drills so we can accurately demonstrate them to our teams was great. I have zero softball or baseball experience, so having a go-to bag of tricks four pages long provides a high level of confidence.
Outstanding, the best coaches clinic I could have imagined
Thanks, Ed
P.S. My daughter has enjoyed your skills clinics as well, so keep up the good work.
I thought the Coaches’ Pitching Clinic was excellent. Rosie did a great job and having us actually do the drills was a brilliant idea. Makes you realize that what we are asking them to do is not that easy – talking about it is one thing, actually doing it is totally different. Rosie corrected everything I thought I knew about pitching – all the old school stuff about power line, closing the door and wrist snap. I think I now know enough to offer some suggestions when pitchers start throwing everything high, or in the dirt, etc….. It was a very well spent 90 minutes!
Great Feedback from our All-Star Alum and Pure Performers
For five years now, Pure Performance has taught me so much, not only about softball, but about life in general. I’ve learned how to perfect my swing and become an absolutely confident batter, and have been able to share my knowledge she has taught me with other teammates. I’ve also learned how to live a healthier lifestyle, including performing specific exercises and eating proper food to keep my body natural and strong. I was even able to bounce back from a labrum and rotator cuff surgery in a few short months using her advice and in-depth knowledge of rehabilitation. I would without a question recommend Pure Performance to anyone who wanted to advance their softball skills, improve their speed and agility, expand their knowledge of the human body, or just learn how to shop healthily. Having the privilege to work with Pure Performance has been truly inspiring and has changed my life to become a more confident and healthy person.
Coach A — I just wanted to write to say thank you. All of the years and time and effort you put in has not gone unnoticed or unthanked, and I wanted to let you know that. Personally, I have really appreciated everything you have done, not only for the organization, but for our team in particular. You have taught me so much about softball, and I will always think of you when I look back on these years of my life. You will always be a strong woman role model for me because you have really made your own path in life and been successful at it. Thank you for all the amazing times I’ve spent under your teaching and everything I’ve learned — from softball basics to working on intensity. So thanks a lot Coach A, for everything.
I learned a lot from Pure Performance and they really improved my skills, helping me to get to the level I’m at today. The extremely knowledgeable coaches offer lessons that are great and very well run.
Jenny Peel (above), was Pure Performance’s very first customer in 2005! All those private lessons paid off as she has signed a National Letter of Intent to play at Shippensburg University. I’m so proud of Jenny for working so hard to reach her goals!
I started working with Pure Performance when I was 10. I had lessons every week throughout the year. My goal was and is to compete at the highest levels of softball. I was able to make a very competitive Vienna Stars team and contribute to both the offense and defense of the team. Having the continued lessons and hitting reps has made me a strong hitter and I am able to work under pressure because I have had good training.” -Jenny Peel
From Jenny’s Parents:
“Our daughter has pursued Softball with a passion – with a desire to compete at the highest levels. We have been fortunate to have found Pure Performance in Arlington to offer lessons. Having a professional trainer that’s able to serve as a role model and provide excellent training and guidance has been invaluable to our players’ development. Whether it’s the physical or mental part of the game – Pure Performance covers everything. Pure Performance always brings new material and is transferring knowledge – always a positive experience and always more to learn!
I began taking hitting lessons from Pure Performance when I was 10 years old. While my raw swing was successful at the 12U level, the mechanics Pure Performance taught me allowed me become an elite hitter and eventually play in college. Hitting is my favorite part of softball and my endless work in the cage with Pure Performance allows me to step up to the plate every time confident that I will get a hit.
I play Division-III softball at Bowdoin College in Maine. Because I lived so far away from the schools in the north that I was considering, my video was an integral part to how I was recruited. College coaches recognized the refinement of my swings and mechanics immediately. Because they were able to scrutinize my swing through my skills video, coaches were impressed with the solid mechanics of my swing, which I attribute to my years working with Pure Performance.
If I am in a hitting slump, they are able to look at one swing and tell me exactly which parts need work. Working with Pure Performance every week for years allowed me to become the elite athlete that I am today.
I have mimicked the softball skills and coaching style that I observed at Pure Performance as I work with younger softball players. Not only do I use skills drills that they taught me, I aim to exude the overall coaching style of professionalism and expertise that I see in Pure Performance. Any child that has the opportunity to work with Pure Performance is truly lucky.